Our Lavender Hand Soap is handmade here in the United States and is a testament to quality and purity. We meticulously source only the finest natural ingredients to create a mild and non-stripping formula that is not only effective but also environmentally conscious.
Our commitment to using sustainable ingredients means there are no synthetic thickeners or artificial fragrances in our soap. Instead, we rely on the soothing essence of lavender essential oil to provide a delightful and natural aroma.
Here's a peek at our ingredient list:
Saponified oils (Organic Sunflower, Organic Fair Trade Coconut, Organic Olive Oil, Organic Castor Oil)
Citric Acid
Organic Aloe Vera
Lavender Essential Oil
Experience the essence of true craftsmanship and the soothing scent of lavender with every wash."
Our hand soap is of hight quiality ingredients, no artificial thickeners, made with natural and sustainable ingredients, no synthetic frageances,and handmade in the united states. Our all Natural hand soap cleanses your hands with the purest ingredients, is very mild and formulated to be mild and non stipping.leaving your hands clean but will not dry them out. our soap. Instead, we rely on the soothing essence of lavender essential oil to provide a delightful and natural aroma.